miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

Some thoughts about Batman #42

Can anybody stop Poison Ivy?

Ivy has gained control over the whole world including the world's greatest heroes and now Batman and Catwoman will have to find a way to escape from her influence.

Hey, this one worked pretty solidly I believe.

Tom King offers a new chapter where he plays with the pure set-up he created with the last one about Ivy controlling the whole planet. The style is distinctive but thankfully it doesn't go the usual King level of obnoxious, this is mostly clear based on how Bruce and Selina handle the whole situation which is mostly about making normal conversations while creating a plan which makes the whole plot pretty interesting.

Even the characterization is pretty good. One could have a few issues with the Justice League being beaten so easily but King mentions that this might be because they're not their usual selfs so is more acceptable. Even Ivy's motivations are put in doubt which might calm dawn a few fans.

Mikel Janin's artwork is fantastic thanks to his beautiful characters and precise storytelling.

Finally an actual good issue, don't know what to expect from the conclusion though.

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