miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

Some thoughts about The Flash #32

Welcome to Iron Heights.

Barry has been transfered to work in one of the worst prisons in the world and his arrival will come with a few surprises for everyone.

Very promising direction, even more than expected.

Joshua Williamson creates a new storyline where he delivers in every front by building from what was already created as usual. The depiction of Iron Heights is quite faithful to the original version made by Geoff Johns, this includes Gregory Wolfe who is as cold-hearted as in previous appearances and this is clearly demonstrated by his treatment of the inmates. Even a few references are being thrown here like the escape of The Reverse-Flash after he was caught during Robert Venditti's run and the escape of 2011 that happened at the beginning of the New 52 during Francis Manapul's run.

The characterization is pretty solid. The Rogues are appropriately portrayed and even Barry's reaction to these events makes sense considering how he was depicted during Johns' run by his reaction to Iron Heights. The introduction of key characters makes things even better.

Christian Duce handles the artwork and is solid with expressive characters and an adequate tone for the setting.

Great stuff, can't wait for the next one.

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