miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Some thoughts about Nightwing #7

Nightwing will have to find the truth about Raptor.

Raptor is still manipulating Dick to perform his own kind of justice and nothing will stop him from doing so, not even Batman himself.

This series is back on track in every way possible.

Tim Seeley offers a new chapter after the crossover Night of the Monster Men which deals with just a little of the ramifications from that event but focuses mostly on the initial story of this book. In that way, the story follows a pretty cohesive way where fans will quickly find themselves at home once again.

The writer continues to put in contrast Dick and Raptor's perspective and how living a privileged life for so long changed the former's perspective. The characterization is pretty strong with the point of view of every member of the cast connected to Dick being revealed including Bruce who has a few yet strong scenes. I would say that Raptor represents a social crusader gone wrong.

Javier Fernandez handles the artwork and his style is getting more polished with every new issue and the storytelling remains excellent.

Great story, art and content. Good to have you again.

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