miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016

Some thoughts about The Flash #6

Who is actually Godspeed?

The most powerful Speedster around has been killing everyone from his same kind including Meena and now is up to Barry to find who he actually is before is too late.

Well, everyone saw this coming really.

Joshua Williamson finally reveals the identity of Godspeed in this chapter and to be quite honest, there are no surprises about it since I pretty much knew that person was the culprit since the first time it appeared. Even the investigation and the way how Barry comes up with the conclusion is not really complex, is quite simple actually and for that reason you can't help but feel underwhelmed.

There's also a bit of awkward characterization due that Barry is strangely depressed after Meena's death despite that he has only met her for a little time, even Godspeed comments on that which might have been on purpose but then why does Wally feel the same if he only knew her for even less time?

Carmine Di Giandomenico handles the artwork and is pretty beautiful with the kind of vibrant tone you require for every action scene featuring Speedsters. No complaints.

Is not a bad issue per se, just one that doesn't impress.

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