domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Recommendations from the week September 21st 2016

In the following order:
  1. Superman #7: By far the best Superman story in a while.
  2. Archie #12: Still immensily charming.
  3. Cyborg #1: Surprisingly good.
  4. Aquaman #7: Continues to be consistent.
  5. Batman #7: Nice beginning for this event.
  6. Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat #10: Good use of recent events.
  7. Harley Quinn #4: Fun one-and-done story.
  8. Nightwing #5: Decent chapter of the event.
  9. Raven #1: Decent beginning.
  10. Trinity #1: Ditto as the last one.
No recommendations for All-New Wolverine because it was quite short and suffered from bad characterization nor Suicide Squad: El Diablo and Boomerang because it was mediocre nor Green Arrow because you know.

Pretty enjoyable week though.

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